Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD) are used in a magnitude of devices and have now become the norm in products that require a screen, such as, cell phones, computers, televisions, tablets, and more. However, many of these technologies are becoming outdated leading towards the issue of exponential growth of waste with a lack of technology set in place for proper recycling. Most of research literatures on LCD recycling are of electronic products and e-waste in general rather than cell phones in particular. Few studies on recycling of cell phone LCD have been accomplished. Since everyday around 300,000 mobile phones are sent to trash in United States alone, the recycling of LCD of cell phones is still a challenge for recyclers. In this paper four main topics will be discussed: Establishing need of recycling of LCD due to its environmental impacts, increasing number of LCD usage with time, current EoL (End of Life) process and challenges associated with it in terms of environment, economy and social aspects. By our findings, we are aiming to examine the sustainable feasibility of recycling LCD of cell phones comparing with other LCD products. Our approach for obtaining data for LCD of cell phones is to simulate details from other LCD products (LCD Monitor, LCD PC, LCD TV) such as main elements, recovery of substances, energy required to produce, etc.Finally, we will conclude with the observations with important considerations for a holistic approach to make LCD recycling of cell phones feasible. The results aim to enable recyclers to add confidence in LCD recycling of cell phones and also for researchers to extend this work with innovative ways and cost-effective approach in future.