“…Literature review on rate of alloimmunization in transfusion recipients , a anti-K, anti-C and anti-D Sub-Saharan Africa,Boateng et al (2019) [53] Sickle cell disease 7.40% Anti-E, a anti-D, anti-C and anti-KIran, Darvishi et al (2016) [54] Thalassemia 10% Anti-K, a anti-D and anti-E Iran, Hosseini et al (2020) [55] Patients on regular transfusion 0-55% Anti-K, a anti-E, anti-D, anti-C and anti-c China, Chen et al (2016) [56] Prevalence of unexpected antibodies among Chinese population 0.23% Anti-E, a anti-D, anti-C and anti-c World, Franchini et al (2019) [57] Patients with transfusion dependent thalassemia 11.40% Anti-K, a anti-E, anti-D, anti-c and anti-C Brazil, Gomes et al (2019) [58] Patients with sickle cell disease 28.39% (mean incidence) Rh followed by Kell system Present study (2021) Recipients of RBC transfusion (hospital-based studies) 0.5% Anti-D, a anti-E, anti-c and anti-K Multiply-transfused patients 4.8% Anti-E, a anti-c and anti-K a Most common. on.…”