“…The results of these studies have found breeding season species richness to be very low on raised bog and blanket bog: Madden (1987a) found 12 species on an area of intact raised bog in Mongan Bog, Co. Offaly, with only four species being proven to have bred; Lack & Lockley (1935) found only three species present in a blanket bog site in Letterfrack, Co. Galway. Other studies have focused on single species in peatland such as Red Grouse (Watson & O'Hare 1973, 1979a, Lance & Mahon 1975, Murray & O'Halloran 2003, Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus (Norriss et al 2002) and Common Redshank Tringa totanus (Nairn et al 2004).…”