4Prestressing strands are commonly used in pretensioned prestressed concrete bridges 5 construction. Transfer length is an important parameter for structural design. This paper 6 presents a comparative study on strand transfer length provisions from Eurocode-2 and North 7American practice, and identifies similarities and differences between both models. A 8 database of measured transfer lengths according to several authors has been compiled and 9 compared with predictions according to code provisions. The intervals of predictions are 10 smaller than those corresponding to the experimental results, and they are smaller when code 11 provisions are more simplified: the interval from Eurocode-2 is greater than that from ACI-12 318 which, in turn, is greater than the interval from AASHTO. The number of underestimated 13 cases is lower for Eurocode-2 because of the higher predicted values, but situations in which a 14 short transfer length is unfavorable are neglected by all models because they are not good 15 predictions of shorter measured transfer lengths. When a transfer length estimation criterion is 16 based on an allowable free end slip, more cases are excluded from the ACI-318 provisions. 17