“…Teachers reported total teaching time allocated each day to remote teaching across live synchronous instruction, prerecording instruction, planning for remote teaching, and responding to student and parent questions. Response options were: (1) “I did not do this activity”; (2) “at least once per week, but not daily”; (3) “0–0.5 hours”; (4) “0.5–1 hours”; (5) “1–2 hours”; (6) “2–4 hours”; and (7) “4–6 hours.” Categorical responses were transformed into continuous minutes by imputing a random value in the respondent’s reported categorical range, a standard practice (see King, 2020). We examined the distribution of responses across categories; because the raw categories are not skewed, when we converted these categorical responses to continuous minutes, they retain their normality and have similar properties with most teachers reporting 1 to 2 hours of time spent across all teaching/teaching-related activities.…”