In dogs with an intact heart, intravenously administered dipyridamole increased the contractility of a myocardial segment 30-80% and the volume rate of coronary blood flow 142+14%. Dipyridamole administered to dogs before their coronary artery was occluded for 3 min did not decrease the contractility of the ischemia-affected myocardial segment. In dipyridamole-treated dogs with well-developed collaterals, blood was redistributed to the intact zone and the blood flow in the vein draining the ischemic zone increased by 168+17%.Key Words: ultrasound; coronary blood flow; blood flow redistribution; segment length; dipyridamole A very important property of many coronary vasodilators is the ability to stimulate the development of collateral vessels [9,11] and thus improve the contractility of an ischemic myocardium. However, as found in animal experiments, the use of some vasodilators brings about the so-called steal syndrome [6,8,10], in which the blood flow is redistributed in favor of the intact cardiac region, and this appears to have an adverse effect on contraction of the ischemic zone.The aim of the present study was to establish, as an objective indicator of myocardial status, how an increase in coronary blood flow is related to the contraction of a myocardial segment. To this end, the classic coronary vasodilator dipyridamole (DP) was tested for its effect on the intact dog heart and on a heart subjected to acute or chronic myocardial ischemia.
MATERIALS AND METHODSA total of 20 mongrel dogs of both sexes (body weight 6-12 kg) were used. Under general anesthesia (Nembutal, 40 mg/kg intravenously) and artificial ventilation, thoracotomy was performed in the fourth intercostal space on the left, the pericardium was opened, and coronary vessels were dissected out to install sensors of coronary blood flow and segment length and an occluder.Blood flow was measured by Doppler ultrasonography [3] using bandage-type sensors calibrated in units of linear and volume blood flow rates [2]. Sensors with an inner diameter of 2-3 mm were used for measurements in large vessels (the left coronary artery and the great cardiac vein) and miniature sensors (inner diameter 0.5-0.7 mm) for measurements in smaller vessels (second-and third-order coronary arteries and coronary veins). All sensors operated at the 27 MHz frequency and sent signals to an analog computer to calculate and monitor in real time the balance of blood supply to the cardiac regions under study.