The intermediacy
of metal–NNH2 complexes has been implicated in the
catalytic cycles of several examples of transition-metal-mediated
nitrogen (N2) fixation. In this context, we have shown
that triphosphine-supported Fe(N2) complexes can be reduced
and protonated at the distal N atom to yield Fe(NNH2) complexes
over an array of charge and oxidation states. Upon exposure to further
H+/e– equivalents, these species either
continue down a distal-type Chatt pathway to yield a terminal iron(IV)
nitride or instead follow a distal-to-alternating pathway resulting
in N–H bond formation at the proximal N atom. To understand
the origin of this divergent selectivity, herein we synthesize and
elucidate the electronic structures of a redox series of Fe(NNMe2) complexes, which serve as spectroscopic models for their
reactive protonated congeners. Using a combination of spectroscopies,
in concert with density functional theory and correlated ab initio
calculations, we evidence one-electron redox noninnocence of the “NNMe2” moiety. Specifically, although two closed-shell configurations
of the “NNR2” ligand have been commonly considered
in the literatureisodiazene and hydrazido(2−)we
provide evidence suggesting that, in their reduced forms, the present
iron complexes are best viewed in terms of an open-shell [NNR2]•– ligand coupled antiferromagnetically
to the Fe center. This one-electron redox noninnocence resembles that
of the classically noninnocent ligand NO and may have mechanistic
implications for selectivity in N2 fixation activity.