The anaerobic bacterium Desulfobacterium cetonicum oxidized p-cresol completely to CO 2 with sulfate as the electron acceptor. During growth, 4-hydroxybenzylsuccinate accumulated in the medium. This finding indicated that the methyl group of p-cresol is activated by addition to fumarate, analogous to anaerobic toluene, m-xylene, and m-cresol degradation. In cell extracts, the formation of 4-hydroxybenzylsuccinate from p-cresol and fumarate was detected at an initial rate of 0.57 nmol min ؊1 (mg of protein)
؊1. This activity was specific for extracts of p-cresol-grown cells. 4-Hydroxybenzylsuccinate was degraded further to 4-hydroxybenzoylcoenzyme A (CoA), most likely via -oxidation. 4-Hydroxybenzoyl-CoA was reductively dehydroxylated to benzoyl-CoA. There was no evidence of degradation of p-cresol via methyl group oxidation by p-cresol-methylhydroxylase in this bacterium.The toxic aromatic compound p-cresol (4-methylphenol) is a constituent of disinfectants and preservatives and is used largely in the formulation of antioxidants and in the fragrance and dye industries (1). It originates mainly from coal gasification plants, fractionation of coal tar, and a variety of synthetic processes. p-Cresol is also formed from tyrosine by several anaerobic bacteria (16,41,44). Anaerobic degradation of pcresol could be demonstrated with pure cultures of nitratereducing, iron-reducing, and sulfate-reducing bacteria and under methanogenic conditions (2,7,19,25,29,37,39,43). It has been well established that denitrifying bacteria metabolize pcresol, cognate to its degradation by aerobic bacteria (13 and references therein), through a sequence of oxidation reactions leading to 4-hydroxybenzoate, with water as the oxygen source (7,14,34). In the initial step, the methyl group of p-cresol is enzymatically oxidized, probably via formation of a quinone methide intermediate (13,20), to form 4-hydroxybenzylalcohol. The latter is further converted to 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde by the same enzyme, p-cresol-methylhydroxylase (13,22). The standard redox potential (E 0 Ј) of the couple 4-hydroxybenzylalcohol/p-cresol is in the range of ϩ80 mV (calculated as described before [42]), and the methylhydroxylase reaction is coupled with the reduction of a c-type cytochrome with a midpoint potential of around ϩ230 mV (21,22).It has been proposed that sulfate-reducing bacteria degrade p-cresol via methyl group oxidation, too (19,28,41). This would be surprising, since release of electrons at the redox potentials mentioned above would be difficult for these bacteria: transfer of electrons from the reduced cytochrome of pcresol-methylhydroxylase to either adenosine 5Ј-phosphosulfate (E 0 Ј ϭ Ϫ60 mV [42]) or sulfite (E 0 Ј ϭ Ϫ116 mV [42]) as the electron acceptor would require a substantial energy input.In the present study, we employed in vitro assays and physiological studies to examine sulfidogenic p-cresol degradation by Desulfobacterium cetonicum. With this bacterium, it was shown recently that anaerobic degradation of m-cresol proceeded via additi...