Intracellular oxidative stress and oxidative modification of sickle hemoglobin (HbS) play a role in sickle cell disease (SCD) pathogenesis. Recently, we reported that Hb-dependent oxidative stress induced post-translational modifications (PTMs) of Hb and red blood cell (RBC) membrane proteins of transgenic SCD mice. To identify the mechanistic basis of these protein modifications, we followed in vitro oxidative changes occurring in intracellular Hb obtained from RBCs and RBCderived microparticles (MPs) from the blood of 23 SCD patients (HbSS) of which 11 were on, and 12, off hydroxyurea (HU) treatment, and 5 ethnic matched controls. We used mass spectrometry-based proteomics to characterize these oxidative PTMs on a cross-sectional group of these patients (n = 4) and a separate subgroup of patients (n = 2) studied prior to initiation and during HU treatment. Collectively, these data indicated that band-3 and its interaction network involved in MPs formation exhibited more protein phosphorylation and ubiquitination in SCD patients than in controls. HU treatment reversed these oxidative PTMs back to level observed in controls. These PTMs were also confirmed using orthogonal immunoprecipitation experiments. Moreover, we observed specific markers reflective of oxidative stress, including irreversible oxidation of βCys93 and ubiquitination of Hb βLys145 (and βLys96). Overall, these studies strongly suggest that extensive erythrocyte membrane protein phosphorylation and ubiquitination are involved in SCD pathogenesis and provide further insight into the multifaceted effects of HU treatment. Sickle cell disease (SCD) has long been recognized as a "molecular disease" due to the substitution of valine for glutamic acid at position 6 of the β globin chain. Replacing a negatively charged glutamic acid with valine, causes inter-β subunit hydrophobic packing between positionally equivalent amino acids 1,2. This leads to hemoglobin (Hb) polymerization during deoxygenation causing long Hb fiber formation, RBC deformation (sickling), membrane instability and cellular rupture (hemolysis). The consequential hemolytic anemia, release of Hb and RBC-derived microparticles (MPs) appear to collectively trigger an endothelial inflammatory response 3,4. An additional consequence is the interaction of sickled RBCs with leukocytes and platelets with consequent adhesion to the damaged endothelium leading to vaso-occlusive events and cumulative organ damage 2. During the RBC lifetime, these circulating cells are exposed to a variety of internal and external oxidative stresses, despite the presence of antioxidant systems that maintain Hb in the reduced functional form 5. Hb autoxidation and impaired antioxidant capacity favor a pro-oxidative milieu in sickle RBCs compromising the redox state of RBCs and impairing metabolic processes 6-8. For instance, ferrous (Fe 2+) HbS autoxidizes to the non-functional ferric (Fe 3+) (metHb) species faster than normal Hb (HbA), despite the presence of reducing enzymes, causing metHb accumulation inside the ...