5]Radialene with quintuple4 ,5-benzo-1,3-dithiol-2-ylidenes (DTs) easily forms as table polycationic salt (1) 4 + (BF 4 À ) 4 owing to its aromatic characteri nt he central cyclopentadienider ing. In this work, it was found that the polycationic salt (1) 4 + underwent ah ydration reactioni nm oist polar solventt og ive several unexpected products, namely, an oxygen adduct dicationic salt (2) 2 + ,atetrathiafulvalene (TTF) vinylogue( 3)w ith 1,4-dithiine-2(3H)-one moieties, and an oxygen adduct of p-extended TTFw ith ac yclopentenone core (4). Their molecular structures were fully determined by X-ray crystal-structure analysis. In this reaction,irreversible hydration to the polycationic salt might either initiate the ring expansion and lead to the successive hydrationa tthe specific cationic DT ring (for 3), or promote the transannular reactions to the next DT ring followed by elimination of the DT ring (for 4). Cyclic voltammetry and differentialp ulse voltammetry measurements for compound 3 indicated the occurrenceo fm ulti redox process resulting from electronic delocalization on the vinylogous TTF moiety.T he electronic structures of the cationic species of 3 were also investigated by electronic spectra.[a] Dr.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.