“…Given prior evidence that lesions involving the white matter adjacent Disconnection in the Tool Use Network Following Stroke 34 to the inferior frontal gyrus (uncinate fasciculus, left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, anterior thalamic radiations) were associated with impaired selection of verbal and non-verbal conceptual knowledge (e.g., see Mirman, Chen, et al, 2015; see also Han et al, 2013), it remains a possibility that the ventral fiber pathway supports tool action selection. However, given that current lesion evidence suggests that action selection in tool use is mediated by fronto-parietal structures via the SLF (e.g., see Garcea, Stoll, et al, 2019;, it will be important for future VLSM and CLSM work to determine the extent to which damage to the ventral fiber pathway, controlling for damage of SLF fibers, is associated with action selection difficulties.…”