SUMMARYT cells expressing CD57 (a natural killer cell marker) with interferon-g (IFN-g ) producing capacity increase under various conditions. CD57 + T cells are also present in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of sarcoidosis, and several phenotypical and functional analyses of these cells have been reported. In the present study, BALF T cells obtained from 52 patients with sarcoidosis were classified further into CD4 + CD57 + T cells, CD4 + CD57 -T cells, CD8 + CD57 + T cells and CD8 + CD57 -T cells and their phenotypes and functional characteristics were assessed. Substantial proportions of these T cell subsets expressed natural killer cell markers CD161 and CD122. The biased expansion of V b 2 T cells was observed in both CD4 + CD57 + T cells and CD4 + CD57 -T cells in BALF from most patients, while the expansion of other V b T cells was also observed in some patients. Unexpectedly, the biased expansion of certain V b T cells was also seen in either CD8 + CD57 + T cells or CD8 + CD57 -T cells, while the expanded V b T cells in CD8 + T cells differed substantially among individuals. BALF T cells showed a remarkably lower T cell receptor (TCR) intensity than that of peripheral blood T cells. Both CD8 + T cell subsets in BALF of sarcoidosis expressed the intracellular perforin/granzyme B, while all four subsets expressed intracellular IFN-g after in vitro activation, and CD4 + T cells, especially CD4 + CD57 + T cells, expressed tumour necrosis factor-a . These findings indicate that CD57 + T cells as well as CD57 -T cells in the BALF are phenotypically and functionally different from peripheral blood T cells and may play an important role in the Th1 dominant state and inflammation in pulmonary sarcoidosis.