My name is Ulises Pantaleon Rodriguez and I am a fourth year nursing student currently finishing my integrative practicum and final consolidation on the orthopaedic inpatient surgery floor at University Hospital in London, Ontario. I have had prior placements within this field of nursing and have been drawn towards orthopaedic placements due to my interest in sports medicine and the musculoskeletal system of the body. Through multiple orthopaedic placements I have witnessed first-hand the crippling effects of pain on patients, causing both physical and psychological distress. As a result I have witnessed a multitude of different pain management control techniques ranging from pharmacological to non-pharmacological in nature. Through my experience on the orthopaedic inpatient surgery floor, I encountered the use of continuous infusion regional anesthetic catheters, commonly known as nerve block catheters. This innovative pain management technique yielded a plethora of patientspecific results, which sparked my interest into the relevant research and literature on their use. Pain management is one of the most important aspects of nursing care and the health care field as a whole, and it is my belief that healthcare practitioners must remain knowledgeable and educated on the latest techniques.