DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-079x.2006.00377.x
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Reduced oxidative damage in ALS by high‐dose enteral melatonin treatment

Abstract: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the collective term for a fatal motoneuron disease of different etiologies, with oxidative stress as a common molecular denominator of disease progression. Melatonin is an amphiphilic molecule with a unique spectrum of antioxidative effects not conveyed by classical antioxidants. In preparation of a possible future clinical trial, we explored the potential of melatonin as neuroprotective compound and antioxidant in: (1) cultured motoneuronal cells (NSC-34), (2) a genetic … Show more

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Cited by 260 publications
(224 citation statements)
References 61 publications
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“…In experiments performed with transfected cell lines, however, such nonspecific binding of TPO to EPOR and EPO to TPOR has not been demonstrated (41,42). Interestingly, a bell-shaped dose-response curve of EPO, with a gradual loss of its protective effect upon increasing concentrations, has been found in vivo by others (20) and ourselves (43).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 62%
“…In experiments performed with transfected cell lines, however, such nonspecific binding of TPO to EPOR and EPO to TPOR has not been demonstrated (41,42). Interestingly, a bell-shaped dose-response curve of EPO, with a gradual loss of its protective effect upon increasing concentrations, has been found in vivo by others (20) and ourselves (43).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 62%
“…The proposed view on motor neuron disease described here might help to understand risk factors (Table 1 squeezing out of metals and toxicants from neuromelanin, relying eventually on melatonin 18 , iron chelators 19 , and chloroquine 20 , respectively. Current therapeutic options to revert early disease have been reviewed by Lu et al 12 with a focus on mitochondrial protectants, anti-excitotoxic, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic agents.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the lacrimal glands of hamsters, this hormone prevents cell damage caused by the buildup of porphyrins, due to its capacity of decreasing the RNAm synthesis of aminolevulinate synthetase, enzyme involved in the production of porphyrins, and also due to increasing the levels of RNAm of antioxidating enzymes such as manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) and copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn-SOD) 36 . The synthesis of glutathione peroxidase, another very important enzyme for the elimination of free radicals from the organism, also increases in the brains of mice treated with melatonin 27 , thus proving that this hormone also acts over other enzymes that provide protection against toxic reactives. Melatonin is also capable of acting as an antioxidant when negatively regulating the levels of nitric oxide synthase, involved in the synthesis of nitric oxide, as observed in mice submitted to ischemic brain injury and treated with the hormone 33 .…”
Section: Melatonin Action In Apoptosismentioning
confidence: 99%
“…It should be noted that some proteins in the Bcl-2 family also modulate the activation of caspases, whether inhibiting the activation of these proteases, such as Bcl-2, Bcl-xl, Bcl-w, or promoting apoptosis, such as Bax, Bax, Bid, Bak and Bcl-xs 5,[24][25][26][27] .…”
Section: Inhibitors Of Caspase Activation In Apoptosismentioning
confidence: 99%
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