Quantitative trait mapping in mice identified a susceptibility locus for gallstones (Lith6) spanning the Apobec-1 locus, the structural gene encoding the RNA-specific cytidine deaminase responsible for production of apolipoprotein B48 in mammalian small intestine and rodent liver. This observation prompted us to compare dietary gallstone susceptibility in Apobec-1 mice, excluding transcriptional repression as a potential mechanism for decreased Cyp7a1 expression. We demonstrated that APOBEC-1 binds to AU-rich regions of the 3-untranslated region of the Cyp7a1 transcript, containing the UUUN(A/U)U consensus motif, using both UV cross-linking to recombinant APOBEC-1 and in vivo RNA co-immunoprecipitation. In vivo Apobec-1-dependent modulation of Cyp7a1 expression was further confirmed following adenovirus-Apobec-1 administration to chow-fed Apobec-1 ؊/؊ mice, which rescued Cyp7a1 gene expression. Taken together, the findings suggest that the AUrich RNA binding-protein Apobec-1 mediates post-transcriptional regulation of murine Cyp7a1 expression and influences susceptibility to diet-induced gallstone formation.Cholesterol gallstone disease is highly prevalent among western societies and represents a substantial and recurrent financial burden to the health care economy (1). Considerable attention has focused on the observations that gallbladder disease and cholelithiasis demonstrate familial clustering and that shared genetic factors account for a significant portion of the risk, although environmental modifiers as well as age, gender, body habitus, and ethnicity are also of major importance (reviewed in Ref. 2). However, despite intensive study over many decades, questions remain regarding the mechanisms by which biliary cholesterol becomes supersaturated, leading to the formation of cholesterol monohydrate crystals that eventually nucleate and result in gallstone formation (reviewed in Ref. 3).Insight into the genetic factors that underlie cholesterol gallstone disease has emerged from the study of inbred mouse strains where intercrosses between gallstone-susceptible and -resistant strains have generated a comprehensive array of candidate loci through quantitative trait locus mapping, an approach that has yielded at least 23 LITH loci (2, 4). Among the quantitative trait loci identified through this approach is Lith6, a locus on mouse chromosome 6 that mapped to a region that includes Apobec-1 as well as other genes (Pparg and Slco1a1) involved in lipid metabolism (5). Apobec-1, the RNA-specific catalytic deaminase of the mammalian ApoB (apolipoprotein B) mRNA-editing enzyme (6), mediates C to U RNA editing of intestinal ApoB RNA, leading to production of APOB48, the major structural protein on chylomicrons (7). In addition, mouse and rat (but not human) liver exhibit physiologically regulated Apobec-1-dependent ApoB mRNA editing accompanying a range of developmental, nutritional, and hormonal cues, resulting in the ability of murine hepatocytes to synthesize APOB100 and APOB48 in varying proportions with accompan...