N ab i l a Mous a Mi r aT he potential ameli orativ e effect of curcu min i n Sc histoso ma mansoni infecte d mic e: an ultrastru ctural study on the testes
ABSTRACT:This inves tigation has been designed t o eval uate the antibilharzial ef ficienc y and th e possible amelior ativ e r ole of c urc umin on adult m ale Swiss albino mic e tes tes . T hirt y anim als were us ed in t his experiment , divided equall y into 3 groups: group 1, c ontr ol group; group 2, inf ect ed with S. mans oni, and group 3, infec ted mice treat ed with c urcumin.Ultrastruc tur e examinati on was perform ed on the tes tes usi ng transmissi on electron microscop y (TE M). R es ults i ndicat ed that the test es in t he inf ec ted group s howed thick eni ng and irregul arit y i n t he s urrounding basal l amina, c yt oplasmic vac uolat i on of atrophi ed Sert oli c ells, shrinkage and p yk notic nucl ei of spermat ogonia , as w ell as primar y spermat oc yt es, especiall y i n fr ont of t he s ex vesicles . Furt hermore, S ertoli c ells c ont ai ned various f orms of mitoc hondrial d egeneration and wide int ercell ul ar sp aces of adherent juncti on am ong the S ertoli, as w ell as spermat ogenic c ells. B esides, m ost of sperms were mark edly aff ect ed. Supplement ati on of curcumi n minimized the degener ativ e chang es in t he nucl ear envel ope and sex v esicles of the primar y spermat oc yte nucl ei besides narrowi ng the adherent juncti on among S ertoli cells and germ c ells. In c onclusi on, c urcumi n proved to hav e a pot ential rol e i n minimizing the deleteri ous ef fec t of S. m ansoni in t est es of t he infec ted mic e.
KEY WORDS:Schis tos oma mans oni, Swiss albino mice, test es, curc umin, ultr astr uct ure