The thermal properties of freely suspended GaAs nanowires are investigated by applying a method which relies on laser heating and the determination of the local temperature by Raman spectroscopy. In order to determine the values for the thermal conductivity κ, the fraction of the laser power absorbed inside the GaAs nanowire is estimated by numerical simulations. The thermal conductivity of nanowires with homogeneous diameter is found to lie in the range of 8-36 Wm −1 K −1 . The change of the temperature profile in the presence of a tapering was investigated. Furthermore, we discuss the influence of laser heating in ambient conditions on the value of κ.The role of thermoelectrics as a competitive technology is, up to now, inhibited by the interdependences of the relevant material parameters, which determine the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT. Recently, the search for materials with high electrical and low thermal conductivity has increased the interest in nanoscale systems for thermoelectric application [1]. Nanowires (NWs) are promising candidates for the reduction of the thermal conductivity due to increased boundary scattering, while keeping the electrical conductivity relatively high [2][3][4][5][6].In this work we investigate the thermal conductivity κ of GaAs NWs. Our method is based on the laser heating of freely suspended NWs and the determination of the local temperature by micro-Raman spectroscopy. The conductivity is found to be significantly lower in NWs than in bulk GaAs. Furthermore, our results confirm recent theoretical calculations by Martin et al. [7].We use zincblende NWs grown by gallium-assisted molecular beam epitaxy, exhibiting very high structural quality [8] and diameters d between 150 and 170 nm. The facets belong to the {110} family and the NW axis corresponds to the [111] direction. The typical Raman spectra obtained from GaAs NWs mainly show the GaAs transverse optical (TO) peak at 268.7 cm −1 (300 K) and a weak peak of the strongly attenuated forbidden longitudinal optical (LO) mode at 292.2 cm −1 [8,9]. The TO peak is of only interest for our work, since the shift of its position provides information about the local temperature. Details about the NW growth and the corresponding properties can be found elsewhere [8,[10][11][12].The NWs are transferred by dropcasting to a silicon substrate containing large arrays of irregularly shaped gold pads of ≈ 3 µm radius. The pads are 300 nm high and are fabricated by e-beam evaporation after a standard photolithographic step. For the measurements we choose NWs which are freely suspended between two pads on a length of 2-4 µm ( see FIG. 1a). The Raman spectra are recorded in backscattering geometry with an XY Dilor triple spectrometer equipped with a multichannel CCD. The 514.5 nm line of an Ar + laser is used for lo- cal heating of the NWs and as excitation for Raman spectroscopy simultaneously. The beam is focused through a 100×, N.A. = 0.95 microscope objective for measurements in air and a 63×, N.A. = 0.75 objective for measurements in ...