In the present world, raw materials are in greater demand but are becoming ever scarcer. To imply the sign of criticality, knowing that there is a high risk of supply shortage and economic impact, the European Commission formally adopted a list of specific raw materials designated as 'critical raw materials' (CRMs) as represented in Fig. 1. Regulatory policies are being implemented to bring down the extraction/mining trend for ultimately extending the lifetime of CRMs. On the other hand, advanced recycling systems are being practiced to promote and establish a core circular economy context by recycling, recovering, and separating CRMs. These recycling approaches are mostly aimed at the recovery of various metals such as palladium, gallium, germanium, copper, which are critical raw materials for the technology sector. There are also a specific group of CRMs including Phosphorus (P), natural phosphate rock and Magnesium (Mg) representing major primary, and secondary resources for industrial applications of high economic value (Loganathan et al., 2017; Yan et al., 2018). Crucially only P and Mg are deemed suitable candidate CRM's for recovery from waste streams through effective separation and recycling strategies. Further, its supply-demand status and substitutability risks have driven the requisites for resource supplementing technology through effective recovery and recycling strategies.