“… 16-bed; n = 229 PD | N/S | Education (prices information via emails); A&F (number of tests ordered via emails) | Pre-I: 10 mo Per-I: 3 mo Post-I: 9 days | 39% reduction in inappropriate tests for critical patients; no statistical significance for semi-critical patients | N/S | N/S | Cahill et al | [ 41 ] | 2018 | Retrospective BAA (C.A.) | N/S | N/S | Education (iatrogenic anemia focus culture); Guidance (locally established) | Pre-I: 11 mo Post-I: 11 mo | 23% reduction in laboratory orders; 21% reduction in blood specimens; 23% reduction in POCT specimens | N/S | No increase in LOS nor transfusion need |
Castellanos et al | [ 84 ] | 2018 | Prospective ITS | 25-bed | PCT | CPOE (clinical decision support system implementation) | Pre-I: 4 mo Per-I: 4 consecutives periods of 28 days (ON1-OFF1-ON2-OFF2) Post-I: 28 days | 0.807 TPD on Pre-I (= baseline), 0.662 (−18%) on ON1, 0.733 (−10%/baseline) on OFF1, 0.803 (−0.4%/baseline) on ON2, 0.792 (−2%/baseline) on OFF2, 0.807 (+ 0%/baseline) in Post-I | EUR 15000 (/y) if persistence of scenario “ON1” | N/S |
Cismondi et al | [ 98 ] | 2012 | Database | MIMIC-II database version 2.6; n = 40,426 patients | HCT, HB, PLT, CA, LACT, aPTT, INR/PT, FIB | AI (TS fuzzy modeling; inputs: heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, temperature, arterial blood pressure, urine output, intravenous infusions volumes and packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, and platelets transfusions) | N/A | Reduction in 50% of total amount of tests; 11.5% false negatives (= tests that would not be done following algorithm but were in fact appropriate) | N/S | N/A |