We describe results that advance the understanding of radiation effects in high level waste (HLW) stored at DOE sites. The scientific issues on which we focus include: a) reactions of primary radicals (e -, OH, and H) of water radiolysis with NO3-/ NO2-b) redox chemistry of NO x radicals and ions, c) degradation mechanisms and kinetics of organic components of HLW, and d) interfacial radiolysis effects in aqueous suspensions and at crystalline NaNO 3 interfaces. Understanding these effects and the chemical reactions they induce have contributed to resolving safety issues and setting waste management guidelines at Hanford. Several safety issues concerning stored high level waste (HLW) at the Hanford Site have been identified prior to the start of the EMSP. The aging of organics in the waste had been shown to lead to several safety concerns such as flammable and noxious gases generation (H 2 , N 2 0, NH 3} volatile organic chemicals). Possible runaway reactions of organics (largely chelates) mixed with 342