Human urinary chondroitin sulfate isolated from the cetylpyridinium chloridecomplex of the non-dialyzable fraction of the pooled urine was subjected to ethanol fractionation, successive enzymic digestion with neuraminidase and mucopolysaccharidases, and anion exchange chromatography. The gas liquid chromatographic analyses of the acetyl and butaneboronic acid ester derivatives of the reduced terminal sugar units after treatment with sodium borohydride plus hydrolysis revealed that 42° of the urinary chondroitin sulfate was bound to peptide through xylose. The reducing terminal sugar units of the peptide-free form consisted of 34.6% of xylose, 22.4% of galactose, 16.4% of glucose of unknown origin and 26.6% of glucuronic acid. These observations showed that the xyloside, galactoside and glucuronide linkages at non-terminal sites of carbohydrate chains of chondroitin sulfate were cleaved in tissues. It was thus suggested that the endo-types of /3-xylosidase, $-galactosidase and $-glucuronidase, which act on proteochondroitin sulfate are present in tissues. reducing terminal ; urinary chondroitin sulfate ; galactose ; glucuronic acid ; xylose Human urinary chondroitin sulfate (ChS), depolymerized and desulfated to various extents, has been regarded as the final degradation products in the catabolism of tissue proteochondroitin sulfate (Wasteson and Wessler 1971; Endo et al. 1980 b). Therefore, identification of the reducing terminal sugar unit of urinary ChS provides a clue to the elucidation of the mechanism of catabolism of tissue proteochondroitin sulfate. Endo et al. (1980c) and Maj ima et al. (1984a, b) indicated that a fraction of urinary glycosaminoglycans (GAGS) has a glucuronic acid residue at the reducing terminal by using the Milner-Avigad reaction (1967) and the isotope labeling method. Then, Endo et al. (1980c) stated that xylose residue might be present at Received January 24, 1985; accepted for publication March 28, 1985. All sugars mentioned in this paper are of D configuration except for gulonic acid, gulonolactone, iduronic acid, idonolactone and fucose which are of z configuration.