It seems appropriate to reflect on the current state of the Division in our first annual report, prepared 10 years after formation of the Chemistry-Nuclear Chemistry Division in January 1971. On October 1, 1980 two new groups (CNC-3, Medical Radioisotopes Research, and CNC-7, Isotope Geochemistry) were formed in addition to our existing groups (CNC-2, Physical Chemistry-Chemical Physics, CNC-4, Inorganic and Structural Chemistry, and CNC-11, Nuclear and Radiochemistry. See Organization Chart below.) At the end of FY-1980, we had 155 people in the Division, including 95 professional scientists, 75 with the degree of Ph.D. During the year, we had 11 postdoctoral appointees, a postgraduate resident in nuclear medicine, and one of the recipients of the prestigious J. Robert Oppenheimer Fellowship awarded by the Laboratory each year to one or two outstanding young scientists. During the past year