By 0. T. O'Meara at Notre Dame (Indiana, U. S. A.)The purpose of this paper is to investigate the finite and non-finite generation of certain linear groups over the Hasse domains of global fields. A global field F is a field whieh is either an algebraic number field or an algebraic function field in one variable over a finite constant field. A Hasse domain o on F is a Dedekind domain which can be obtained äs the intersection of almost all valuation rings of jP; these domains are an accepted generalization of the classical concept of the ring of iptegers of a number field.Consider, for the moment, the general linear group GL n and the special linear group SL n defined äs matrix groups over the Hasse domain o. Suppose we are in the number theoretic ease, i. e. in charaeteristic 0. Then 1) the group of units of o, i. e. the group GL 17 is finitely generated. 2) Using the Euclidean algorithm it is easy to show that SL n is finitely generated when o is the ring of rational integers Z. 3) Using a weak form of the Euclidean algorithm Hurwitz [8] extended the last result to the ring of integers of an algebraic number field 2 ). 4) Several authors have established the finite generation of the other classical groups by analytic, arithrnetic and other methods. 5) These results have culminated in the very general work of Borel and Harish-Chandra [4].These theories still have to be developed in charaeteristic p, i. e. in the function field case. However, it is known that 1) the group of units of o, i. e. the group GL 1? is finitely generated. 2) If o is the polynomial ring k[x] of a rational global field k(x), then it again follows from the Euclidean algorithm that SL n is finitely generated, but only if n > 3. If n = 2, it is not. This means that exceptional behavior must be expected in charaeteristic p.Our main task here is to investigate the finite generation of GL n and SL n in the function theoretic case. This will be done using the elementary arithmetic methods of Artin and Whaples which do not distinguish between charaeteristic 0 and charaeteristic p. So in fact we shall give a unified account that includes the classical case of charaeteristic 0.The linear groups under discussion can be interpreted äs groups of automorphisms of free modules over o. It is more appropriate and more general to consider groups of automorphisms of a lattice M on an rc-dimensional vector space over F = o -f-o. For such an M we shall introduce the general linear group GL«, the special linear group SL n , the group TL n generated by transvections on Af, and the group EL n generated by x )