“…5-7); generalised regression estimators under any parametric linear model (Cassel, Särndal, and Wretman 1976;Särndal, Swensson, and Wretman 1992), calibration estimators (Deville and Särndal 1992;Wu and Sitter 2001), and empirical likelihood estimators (Chen and Sitter 1999;Chen, Sitter, and Wu 2002). The desire for flexible specification of f (·) has led to the consideration of local polynomial regression (Breidt and Opsomer 2000), penalised splines (Breidt et al 2005), neural networks (Montanari and Ranalli 2005b), regression splines (Goga 2005), additive and generalised additive models (Opsomer, Breidt, Moisen, and Kauermann 2007; Wang and Wang 2011), among many others. See Särndal (2007) for some general review of model-assisted estimation and Montanari and Ranalli (2005a) and Breidt and Opsomer (2009) for nonparametric and semiparametric model-assisted methods.…”