AIM: To investigate the mechanism underlying intestinal barrier function damage after severe trauma and the therapeutic effect of glutamine.
METHODS:Burned patients, and animal models of severe trauma replicated by hemorrhagic shock combined with endotoxin infusion and burn injury, were included in a serial experiment. Effects of oral glutamine on intestinal barrier function were observed in scalded rats. Parameters measured in these experiments were as follows: plasma levels of diamine oxidase (DAO), tumor necrosis factor (TNFα α α α α), endotoxin (LPS), and lactate as well as D-lactate by biochemical methods, lactose/mannitol (L/M) ratio in urine by SP-3400, and pathological examination of intestinal mucosa under light microscopy.
INTRODCTIONIt is generally accepted that the intestine may serve as an important organ in the development of severe complications under critically ill conditions, including trauma, burns, shock, etc.[1-3] Hemorrhagic shock and/or gut ischemia-reperfusion injury commonly occur in the early stage after acute insults, leading to gut-derived sepsis as a result of gut barrier dysfunction [4][5][6][7][8][9][10] . In order to investigate the mechanism underlying intestinal barrier function damage and its potential interventional measures, burned patients and animal models of severe trauma were employed in our current experiments [6,[11][12][13][14][15] .
Animal modelsAnimal models of severe trauma were replicated by hemorrhagic shock combined with endotoxin infusion. Male Wistar rats, weighing 190g-230g, were anaesthetized with intraperitoneal injection of 30g·L -1 barbitone sodium (35mg·kg -1 ), and the femoral artery and jugular vein were cannulated under aseptic conditions. The rats were then bled via the jugular vein catheter until a mean arterial pressure of 30-35 mmHg (4.6 kPa) was reached. At the end of shock, endotoxin (E.coliO55 B5, Sigma) was infused through tail vein at a dose of 2mg·kg -1 . A goat model of hemorrhagic shock combined with endotoxin challenge was established according to the previous report(n=20) [5] . Animals received E.coliO26 B6 endotoxin via portal vein 24h after the recovery from shock, and the dosage was 30 ng·kg -1 ·min -1, which was given in a continuous infusion lashing for 5d. Wistar rats were divided randomly into three groups: normal controls, early feeding with standard feed plase Gln 0.5g after scalding, and animals (except control group) sustained a 30% TBSA fullthickness scald covering the back and flanks [6] . Determination of plasma diamine oxidase in 21 burned patients (17 male and 4 female) at the age of 33±10 years, with burn area (64±21)%, and (35±20)% 0. Plasma DAO activity was determined on day 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 postburn.Blood and intestinal DAO levels were tested according to our previous report [17] . Plasma lactate and Dlactate concentrations were determined by biochemical methods as described by Brandt et al [18] . Microassay for quantitation of endotoxin in blood was made with new PCA treatment...