Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is the one that most affects adult patients, responsible for 90-95% of cases. In addition to the diabetes related complications, some co-morbidities can arise without having a direct relationship with the disease. Negligent patients towards self-care and those without regular monitoring have a higher probability of presenting complications and are more susceptible to develop functional disability. Several professionals, among them the occupational therapists, can intervene in the treatment of these patients, focusing on the medicated care and the adherence to self-care activities. Objective: To analyze the role of occupational therapy in patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Methods: Analysis of the literature regarding articles published from 2012 to 2017, in Portuguese and English, was performed on PubMed, Virtual Health Library (Bireme), and Scopus. The search strategies were developed with the combination of "Type 2 Diabetes" and "Occupational Therapy" descriptors. Results: 593 articles were found per the selected descriptors and applications of filters. According to the eligibility criteria, 14 articles were selected for analysis. It is observed that the performance of occupational therapist with these patients has been based on the realistic integration and insertion of self-care practices in a more structured and organized routine. Conclusion: The occupational therapist can assist in the improvement of functionality, both in performance and in the participation of the daily life of diabetic patients, with strategies such as adaptations and modifications of the environment, the routine and objects.