Experimental studies of electron-ion collision rates in an ultracold neutral plasma (UNP) can be conducted through measuring the rate of electron plasma oscillation damping. For sufficiently cold and dense conditions where strong coupling influences are important, the measured damping rate was faster by 37% than theoretical expectations [W. Chen, C. Witte, and J. Roberts, Phys. Rev. E 96, 013203 (2017)]. We have conducted a series of numerical simulations to isolate the primary source of this difference. By analyzing the distribution of electron velocity changes due to collisions in a molecular dynamics simulation, examining the trajectory of electrons with high deflection angle in such simulations, and examining the oscillation damping rate while varying the ratio of two-body to three-body electron-ion collision rates, we have found that the difference is consistent with the effect due to many-body collisions leading to bound electrons. This has implications for other electron-ion collision related transport properties in addition to electron oscillation damping.In strongly coupled plasmas, the average nearestneighbor Coulomb potential energy for one or more types of particles is comparable to or exceeds the average kinetic energy of that type of particle. As a result, spatial correlations between plasma particles become significant and many common assumptions used in plasma theory break down. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] In contrast to weakly-coupled plasmas where collisions can be treated as long-range binary scattering events, in strongly-coupled plasmas, many-body effects become increasingly significant. These manybody effects can be treated theoretically through, for instance, using simulations to create phenomenological extensions of binary collision theory into the stronglycoupled regime, 8 or through creating an effective potential that incorporates many-body effects into interparticle effective potentials. 9However, in strongly-coupled plasmas with electrons and ions (as opposed to one-component plasmas), threeand more-body collisions can result in electrons becoming bound to one or more ions in the plasma, forming a Rydberg atom or an electron bound to a small number of ions. [10][11][12][13] In this article, we show that such manybody collisions provide a substantial contribution to the electron average momentum damping rate in plasmas where electron strong coupling is significant. For such strongly coupled plasmas, these many-body-to-boundstate (MBTBS) collisions would be expected to be relevant for other collision-related properties as well, such as stopping power, 14,15 thermalization rates, 16 and other transport properties. 17This investigation of MBTBS collision contributions to the average electron momentum damping rate was motivated by studies of electron oscillation damping in an ultracold neutral plasma (UNP). 3 In that work, electron center-of-mass oscillations were induced by imparting an impulse acceleration in one direction to the electrons' velocities. The electrons' center-of-mass then oscill...