All elliptic curves having everywhere good reduction over Q 29 p are determined by studying the fields of 2-and 3-division points. As a byproduct of the argument, the elliptic curves over some real quadratic fields are determined. Though part of the result are already obtained in [2], [4], [5], [10], the proof given in the present paper is simpler. 1. Introduction. Let d be the discriminant of a real quadratic field and c d the associated Dirichlet character. Let S d S 2 G 0 d; c d be the space of cuspforms of Neben-type of weight two. When S d has a 2-dimensional Q-simple factor, Shimura [14] constructed a certain abelian surface A defined over Q from the factor and showed that A splits over the field Q d p as B Â B H , where B is an elliptic curve defined over Q d p and B H is the conjugate of B. It is known that the curve B, which we call Shimuras elliptic curve over Q d p , has everywhere good reduction over Q d p , and is isogenous over Q d p to B H . Conversely, it is conjectured by Pinch ([10]) that any elliptic curve with such properties should be isogenous over Q d p to Shimuras elliptic curve. By Shimura [14], S d is f0g for d 5; 13; 17, and 2-dimensional and Q-simple for d 29; 37; 41. Hence, assuming Pinchs conjecture, there are no such curves when d 5; 13; 17, and there is only one isogeny class of such curves when d 29; 37; 41. In [3], [4], it was proved that this conclusion is true without the conjecture for all these d except d 29 (see also [2], [10]). In this paper, we prove that it is also true for d 29 by determining all elliptic curves with everywhere good reduction over k Q 29 p . In his paper [9], Nakamura has proved the conjecture of Serre given in [11], p. 184, which states that Shimuras elliptic curve over k is isogenous over k to