We report on the observation of optical activity of quantum wells resulting in the conversion of the light polarization state controlled by the light propagation direction. The polarization conversion is detected in reflection measurements. We show that a pure s-polarized light incident on a quantum well is reflected as an elliptically polarized wave. The signal is drastically enhanced in the vicinity of the light-hole exciton resonance. We show that the polarization conversion is caused by the spin-orbit splitting of the light hole states and the birefringence of the studied structure. The bulk inversion asymmetry constant β h ≈ 0.14 eVÅ is determined for the ground light hole subband in a 10 nm ZnSe/ZnMgSSe quantum well. PACS numbers: 73.21.Fg, 78.20.Ek, 42.25.Ja Studies of polarization-sensitive optical effects allow creating optical devices and give access to fundamental properties of material systems. A very important effect intensively investigated and widely used in practice is a conversion of light polarization state [1,2]. Examples are the rotation of a linear polarization plane and the transformation of a pure linearly or circularly polarized wave into an elliptically polarized light. A possibility for the polarization conversion exists in systems of sufficiently low spatial symmetry. For example, birefringent media effectively rotate light polarization plane and produce light helicity. Basic examples are half-and quarter-wave plates made of birefringent crystals widely used in both laboratories and in industry. Recently, polarization conversion has been observed in metamaterials [2][3][4], twisted photonic crystal fibers [5] and microcavities [6]. While metamaterials convert light polarization due to a special design of building blocks, semiconductor nanostructures are birefringent as-grown. The polarization conversion has been demonstrated in a number of experiments on quantum wells (QWs) [7][8][9][10][11] and quantum dots [12,13]. The low symmetry of QWs can be caused by in-plane deformations [8][9][10] or by microscopic structure of interfaces [14,15], while the birefringence of self-assembled quantum dots appears due to their anisotropic shape [13].