Films made of 2D networks of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are one of the most promising active-channel materials for fi eld-effect transistors (FETs) and have a variety of fl exible electronic applications, ranging from biological and chemical sensors to high-speed switching devices. Challenges, however, still remain due to the current hysteresis of SWNT-containing ( ≈ 50 MV m − 1 ). These near-hysteresis-free characteristics are believed to be due to the characteristic hysteresis of the P(VDF-TrFE), resulting from its non-volatile polarization, which makes effective compensation for the current hysteresis of the SWNT-network FETs. The onset voltage for hysteresis-minimized operation is able to be tuned simply by controlling the thickness of the ferroelectric fi lm, which opens the possibility of operating hysteresis-free devices with gate voltages down to a few volts.
FETs, which has hindered further development. A new and robust method to control the current hysteresis of a SWNT-network FET is presented, which involves the non-volatile polarization of a ferroelectric poly(vinylidene fl uoride-trifl uoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) gate insulator. A top-gate FET with a solution-processed SWNT-network exhibits signifi cant suppression of the hysteresis when the gate-voltage sweep is greater than the coercive fi eld of the ferroelectric polymer layer