Spark ignition engine Combustion diagnosisAlternative fuels
Genetic algorithm a b s t r a c tA methodology is presented for studying the influence of using alternative fuels on the cycle-to-cycle variations of a spark ignition engine which has been fuelled with mixtures of natural gas and hydrogen in different proportions (0e100%). The experimental facility consists of a single-cylindrical spark ignition engine coupled to an asynchronous machine
IntroductionBecause of the increasing concern about energy deficiency and environmental defence, much effort has been focused on the use of alternative fuels in internal combustion engines (ICE). Alternative fuels are clean, when compared to conventional ones derived from petroleum in ICE. Natural gas (NG) is considered to be a probable alternative fuel due to its properties and higher octane number. NG is a mixture of different gases where methane is its main constituent (75e98% of methane; 0.5e13% of ethane; and 0e2.6% of propane [1] Available online at journal h om epa ge: www.elsev i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 4 7 7 e1 5 4 8 7