The non-spectroscopic interference effects that occurred in inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry were studied for Ge, As and Se in human urine and serum. Many biological samples contain Na, K, Cl and organic compounds, which may cause the enhancement and depression on the analyte signal. The effect of 1% concomitant elements such as N, Cl, S, P, C, Na, and K on a 100 µg/L germanium, arsenic and selenium signal has been investigated by ICP/MS. The interference effects were not in the same direction. It appeared that concomitant elements such as Cl, S, and C induce an enhancement effect, whereas N and P did not show any significant effect. And, Na and K caused a depression. We have found a link between the abundance of analytes and the ionization potential of concomitant elements (eV), except carbon and nitrogen.