Electrochemical studies show that [ Fe,( C0),(q4: q'4-C16H16)] (2) undergoes irreversible two-electron oxidation at a platinum electrode in CH,CI,. Chemical oxidation with [ Fe(q-C,H,),][PF,] gives [ Fe,( C0),(q5: ?'"cl6H1,)] [ PF, ] , (3), X-ray structural studies on the nitromethane solvate of which reveal the detailed stereochemistry of the polycyclic hydrocarbon ligand. T w o cycloheptadienyl moieties, each q5-bonded to Fe(CO), units, are fused to a central cyclohexene ring at C(2)-C(3) and at C(2')-C(3'). The six-membered ring adopts a very flattened chair conformation with C(4) and C(4') (bonded t o iron as terminal members of pentadienyl units) in pseudo-axial sites, a t 3.78 A apart. Complex (3) is reduced by K[BH(CHMeEt),] to [Fe,(CO),(q4:q'4-C,6H,,)] (4),X-ray structural studies on which show stereospecific cyclobutane ring formation via the linking of atoms C(4) and C(4') of (3). This linking is accompanied by ring inversion of the cyclohexene residue and by significant twisting of the ring double bond [C(2)-C(1 )-C(l ')-C(2') torsion angle -8.6(5)"]. The C(4)-C(4') bond formed is the longest in the cyclobutane ring at 1.596(4) A [cf. others, average 1.548(3) A]. The ring inversion is required t o bring C(4) and C(4') into adjacent pseudo-equatorial sites and hence proximity [the C(4)-C(3)-C(3')-C(4') torsion angle is 159.7(4)" in (3) and 25.2(2)' in (4)]. Complex (4) is oxidised by [Fe(q-C,H,),] [PF,] to (3) which reacts with PPh, and with iodide ion to give [Fe,(CO),{q4:q'4-C,6H16(PPh3)2}] [PF,], ( 5) and [Fe,l,(CO),(q': q'5-C,6H16)] (6)' respectively.We have recently described the stereospecific oxidative cyclopropane ring-opening reaction of [Fe,(CO),(q: : q'4-C14Hla)], which generates a trans-olefinic double bond in the dicationic product [F~,(CO),(I~~:~'~-C~~H~~)]~ +. We now report details of the related reaction of [Fe,(C0)6(q4:q'4-(3) the hydrocarbon ligand of which consists of a cyclohexene ring fused to two cycloheptadienyl units. The reduction of (3) formation generates a cyclobutane ring. X-Ray structural studies on (3) and (4), in comparison with those on provide an insight into the origin of the observed stereospecificity of the redox reactions. The reactions of (3) with nucleophiles are also reported briefly.C16H16)] (2) (Scheme) to give [Fe2(C0)6(T15:q'5-C,6H16)]2+yields [Fe2(CO)6(T14: q"-C16H16)] (4) in which C-C bond [Fe2(CO),L2(q5:q'5-C16H16)]2+ [I; L = P(OPh)3l4and (2),5
Results and DiscussionSynthetic and Structural Studies.-The complex [Fe,-(CO)6(!4 : q'4-C1 6H16)] (2) (Scheme), previously prepared by sequentially reacting [Fe,(CO),(q5 :q'5-C16H16)]2 + (1; L = CO) with bromide ion and [Fe2(CO),], has now been isolated directly by reducing the dication with K[BH(CHMeEt),]. The ~ * p(1-5-q : 8-1 2-q'-1,5a,7a,12,12a,l2b-Hexahydrobenzo[a,c]-dicycIohepteny1)-bis(tricarbony1iron) hexafluorophosphate-nitromethane (1 / 1) and p(2-5-11: 6 9 -q ' -1,lO-etheno-1,5a,5b, 10,10a, lobhexahydrocydobuta[ 1,2 : 3,4]dicycloheptene)-bis(tricarbony1iron). Supplementary data available (No. SUP 56183, 9...