The reactions of alkyl (CH,, C~HS, n-CJI9, CHZCOZ-, CH(C02-)2, CHzCN) and fluoroalkyl (CF,, CF2CI) radicals with nickel, iron, and manganese porphyrins (P) have been studied by radiolytic techniques in various solvents. All the radicals (R) react with Fe"P to form R-Fe"' P with a stable F t C bond. These products are oxidized by O2 to FelIIP. Althou h yield stable products. Reactions of alkyl radicals with NiIP result in unstable R-NinP products (tl 2 several seconds) that eventually yield NiIIP. Reactions of alkyl radicals with Ni"P are reversible, and the short-lived R-kiII'P products (tIl2milliseconds) disappear through radical reactions, with recovery of NinP. Alkyl radicals react rapidly with M@P, probably via addition to the metal, but the adduct gives MnlIIP immediately. 'CF3 radicals also react with MnlIIP by addition to C==C bonds.Ni'P and NilIP also react rapidly with the radicals to form Ni-C bonds, only the reactions of fluoroalkyl radicals with Ni f P