The 'moduli continuity method' permits an explicit algebraisation of the Gromov-Hausdorff compactification of Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds in some fundamental examples. In this paper, we apply such method in the 'log setting' to describe explicitly some compact moduli spaces of K-polystable log Fano pairs. We focus on situations when the angle of singularities is perturbed in an interval sufficiently close to one, by considering constructions arising from Geometric Invariant Theory. More precisely, we discuss the cases of pairs given by cubic surfaces with anticanonical sections, and of projective space with non-Fano hypersurfaces, and we show ampleness of the CM line bundle on their good moduli space (in the sense of Alper). Finally, we introduce a conjecture relating K-stability (and degenerations) of log pairs formed by a fixed Fano variety and pluri-anticanonical sections to certain natural GIT quotients. GIT d of degree d hypersurfaces in P n. The first statement of the above result is a special case of the following natural expectation, at least when the automorphism group has no non-trivial characters. Conjecture 1.3. Let X be a K-polystable Fano variety. Then for any sufficiently large and divisible l ∈ N, there exists β 0 = β 0 (l, X) such that for all D ∈ | − lK X | and β ∈ (β 0 , 1), the pair (X, (1 − β)D) is log Kpolystable if and only if [D] ∈ P(H 0 (−lK X)) is GIT-polystable for the natural representation of Aut(X) on H 0 (−lK X). Moreover, the Gromov-Hausdorff compactification M K X,l,β of the above pairs (X, (1 − β)D) is homeomorphic to the GIT quotient P(H 0 (−lK X)) ss //Aut(X). Note that the automorphism group Aut(X) of a K-polystable Fano is always reductive. If X is smooth or a Gromov-Hausdorff degeneration, this follows from by Matsushima's obstruction [Mat57] and Chen-Donaldson-Sun [CDS15]. Otherwise, this has been very recently established in [ABHLX20] via purely algebro-geometric techniques Once its different steps are established, the application of the moduli continuity method (the proof of theorems 1.1 and 1.2) is just a couple of paragraphs. However, in order to keep the reader focused on the main goal of the paper, we recall here what the different steps of the moduli continuity method are, noting that each of them requires involved technical proofs to accomplish them. Suppose that we have a Gromov-Hausdorff