“…The variability in the Hf isotope composition in terrestrial rocks is larger than that in Nd, ranging from the most unradiogenic values of εHf ~ −50 in Archean rocks to values as high as +25 in mid‐ocean ridge basalt (Zimmermann, Porcelli, Frank, Andersson, et al, ). Water masses from different origins therefore acquire distinct regional εNd and εHf signatures derived primarily from riverine continental input, particle‐dissolved exchange processes (a process commonly referred to as boundary exchange), and/or benthic sources (e.g., Abbott et al, ; Casse et al, ; Frank, ; Haley et al, ; Jeandel et al, ; Rickli et al, ; Wilson et al, ; Zimmermann, Porcelli, Frank, Andersson, et al, ; Zimmermann, Porcelli, Frank, Rickli, et al, ). Consequently, Nd and Hf can be used as sensitive tracers for both (1) water mass mixing and provenance (Chen et al, ; Rickli et al, ; Stichel et al, ), because both elements' oceanic residence times are shorter than the oceanic mixing time (approximately 1,500 years; Frank, ), and (2) detrital provenance changes and continental weathering intensity (Gutjahr et al, ; Rickli et al, ).…”