Contents Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Coarse quasi-isometries 2.1. Notation, conventions and terminology 2.2. Coarse quasi-isometries 2.3. Coarse composites 2.4. A coarsely quasi-isometric version of Arzela-Ascoli theorem 2.5. Large scale Lipschitz maps 2.6. Coarse and rough maps Chapter 3. Some classes of metric spaces 3.1. Graphs 3.2. Metric spaces of coarse bounded geometry 3.3. Coarsely quasi-symmetric metric spaces 3.4. Coarsely quasi-convex metric spaces Chapter 4. Growth of metric spaces 4.1. Growth of non-decreasing functions 4.2. Growth of metric spaces 4.3. Growth symmetry Chapter 5. Amenability of metric spaces 5.1. Amenability 5.2. Amenable symmetry Chapter 6. Coarse ends 6.1. Ends 6.2. Coarse connectivity 6.3. Coarse ends 6.4. Functoriality of the space of coarse ends 6.5. Coarse end space of a class of metric spaces Chapter 7. Higson corona and asymptotic dimension 7.1. Compactifications 7.2. Higson compactification 7.3. Asymptotic dimension Chapter 8. Pseudogroups 8.1. Pseudogroups 8.2. Coarse quasi-isometry type of orbits 8.3. A version of local Reeb stability iii iv CONTENTS 8.4. Topological dynamics Chapter 9. Generic coarse geometry of orbits 9.1. Coarsely quasi-isometric orbits 9.2. Growth of the orbits 9.3. Amenable orbits 9.4. Asymptotic dimension of the orbits 9.5. Highson corona of the orbits 9.6. Measure theoretic versions Chapter 10. Generic coarse geometry of leaves 10.1. Foliated spaces 10.2. Saturated sets 10.3. Coarse quasi-isometry type of the leaves 10.4. Higson corona of the leaves 10.5. Algebraic asymptotic invariants 10.6. Versions with quasi-invariant currents 10.7. There is no measure theoretic version of recurrence Chapter 11. Examples and open problems 11.1. Foliated spaces defined by suspensions 11.2. Foliated spaces defined by locally free actions of Lie groups 11.3. Inverse limits of covering spaces 11.4. Bounded geometry and leaves 11.5. Graph spaces 11.6. Case of Cayley graphs 11.7. Construction of limit-aperiodic functions 11.8. Graph matchbox manifolds 11.9. Concrete examples of graph matchbox manifolds 11.10. Foliations of codimension one 11.11. Open problems Bibliography CONTENTS vAbstract. A compact Polish foliated space is considered. Part of this work studies coarsely quasi-isometric invariants of leaves in some residual saturated subset when the foliated space is transitive. In fact, we also use "equi-" versions of this kind of invariants, which means that the definition is satisfied with the same constants by some given set of leaves. For instance, the following properties are proved. Either all dense leaves without holonomy are equi-coarsely quasi-isometric to each other, or else there exist residually many dense leaves without holonomy such that each of them is coarsely quasi-isometric to meagerly many leaves. Assuming that the foliated space is minimal, the first of the above alternatives holds if and if the leaves without holonomy satisfy a condition called coarse quasi-symmetry.A similar dichotomy holds for the growth type of the leaves, as well as a...