This peper wee prepsred for presentation at the Western Regional Meeting bald inLong Seach, CaffiOrnfa, U.S.A., 22-25 March 1~. This paper wee eeleofed for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information corrtitnad In an ebstrsct submtied by the author(e). Contente of the paper. se presented, heve not been reviewed by the society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(a), The material, se presented, doea not neceaserily reffect ,.. . eany pmbori m me WCWIY"1 , e.,~Fnoi_rs. its~ffi=, or~m~m, papem Wa~nted at SPE~~nga em s@ecf to pubfiiation review by Edhorial COmmlffWa of the %Oiefy ,,,.._...-m ,,,.. .ti *~n~, The~r~eh~~oon~in~nspicuous acknowledgment of Petroleum Engineers. Parmiseiin to COPYis restricted to an ah-t of not mcfe thm w me. IIIIWULU~WB-S-J ... . -.-. of where and by whom the pew is presented. Wrne Librtisn! SpE, p.o. Sox m,~mhwd~n, TX 7~1 U. S.A.,Telex 1SS24S SPEUT.
ABSI'RACTA unique completion procedure has been developed to reduce the cost and time to hydraulically fracture welis. In the procedure, coiled tubing is used to replace conventional tubing in most of the operations. This procedure is made possible by a wellhead design that enhances safety and simplifies switching from one operation to the next.Hydrauiic fracturing coats comprise the majority of the total cost for new diatomite welia. Muitiple stimulations can be compieted in a single day by using coiled tubing to cleanout or piace sand plugs which are used to isolate the perforated interval between hydraulic fracture stimulations. This allows significant savings to be realized by fuiiy utiiizing the service company's entire minimum daiiy charge. The coiled tubing also functions as a dead string during fracture stimulations which allows real time monitoring of downhole fracturing pressures.The new wellhead incorporates two unique ideas: 1) a hammer union tree cap which replaces the conventional tlangeii tree *p.~=~w m! te~he~r~~p iS a blast joint that provides protection from sand erosion when using coiied tubing as the dead string. The wellhead design enables the tree cap (with attached blast joint) to be References and illustrations at end of Paper quickiy and easily exchanged with a fullbore lubricator; 2) a full opening gate valve located between the casinghead and the fracture wellhead. The valve is a safety device that ailows any part of the wellhead to be removed while ensuring a completely controlled condition.