Despite the increase in applications
of renewable energy sources,
coal combustion for electricity production remains important. The
use of alkali and alkaline earth sorbents to address the emissions
or their introduction during cocombustion of biomass can cause defluidization
of fluidized bed combustors. This article presents the results obtained
from an extensive experimental campaign aimed at exploring the performance
of different defluidization inhibition measures and defluidization
outcomes of a pilot-scale atmospheric bubbling fluidized bed combustor
cofired with ReEngineered Feedstock (ReEF) and coal. ReEF is a solid
fuel made from the nonrecyclable fraction of municipal solid waste
to which alkaline air emission control reagents are physically bound.
The cocombustion of coal and ReEF combines fuel- and sorbent-blending
techniques for improved combustion and higher efficiency emission
reduction. An earlier study of the group proved these favorable aspects
during the cocombustion of a granular bituminous coal and ReEF in
a pilot-scale bubbling fluidized bed combustor of coarse silica sand
particles. However, some formulations of ReEF led to the bed defluidization
during the 800–1000 °C operation. In the first phase of
the current study, the performance of different counteractive/pre-emptive
measures to delay/prevent the defluidization incidents during the
coal–ReEF cocombustion trials in the same combustor unit was
examined. Although the application of counteractive measures, e.g.,
a decrease in the operating temperature and an increase in the superficial
gas velocity, could delay the defluidization incident, replacing coarse
silica with olivine sand significantly extended the temperature range
of operation without defluidization. In the second phase of the current
study, employing the more commonly used coarse silica sand, the cocombustion
of bituminous coal with over 50 ReEF formulations was performed to
explore defluidization outcomes in the 800–1000 °C range.
The data collected from these trials illustrated trends that could
be presented as a defluidization map. The map relates the sodium and
calcium composition limits for the ReEF that would defluidize a bed
of coarse silica at different temperature levels. The defluidization
boundaries obtained at 900 and 1000 °C were described by adopting
an empirical formulation. Extrapolation, following an Arrhenius type
temperature dependency, over the 800–1100 °C range in
50 °C increments showed acceptable predictability of the approach,
satisfying the industrial requirements. The applicability of the predictive
tool, developed on the basis of 1 h of operation at each operating
temperature, was subsequently tested over extended periods (>8
at 850 °C.