A theoretical model for the reentrant charge-order transition in the manganites is examined. This transition is studied with a purely electronic model for the eg Mn electrons: the extended Hubbard model. The electron-phonon coupling results in a large nearest-neighbor repulsion between eg electrons. Using a finite-temperature Lanczos technique, the model is diagonalized on a 16-site periodic cluster to calculate the temperature-dependent phase boundary between the charge-ordered and homogeneous phases. A reentrant transition is found. The results are discussed with respect to the specific topology of the 16-site cluster.The manganites have a very rich phase diagram that includes ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and chargeordered phases [1][2][3]. Various theoretical models have been used to explain different aspects of this phase diagram [4][5][6][7].In its simplest incarnation, the charge-ordered (CO) phase occurs at hole doping x = 1/2 with equal amounts of Mn 3+ and Mn 4+ ordered in real space in a checkerboard pattern. The oxygens relax away from the Mn 3+ ions and towards the Mn 4+ ions, thus providing a repulsive potential between Mn 3+ ions (or equivalently between Mn 4+ ions). The potential energy gain exceeds the kinetic energy loss due to the formation of this insulating state [8].When observed, the CO is generally the lowest temperature phase, but recently the CO phase has been seen to melt with decreasing temperature in The lowest temperature phase is metallic, and the CO insulator is only observed at intermediate temperatures. A reentrant transition has been obtained theoretically using extended Hubbard models both with electron-phonon interactions [11] and without electron-phonon interactions [12].In this paper, we study the charge-order transition in the extended Hubbard model (without electron-phonon interactions) on the two-dimensional square lattice. Previous work [12] solved this model in infinite spatial dimensions, resulting in finite entropy (due to the spins) at T = 0 in the CO phase, so a reentrant transition was guaranteed to be found. In the infinite two-dimensional square lattice, the spins will order into a Néel state with zero entropy at T = 0. The Hamiltonian is given bywhere c † iσ (c iσ ) creates (annihilates) an electron with spin σ on site i, n iσ is the number operator with spin σ on site i, and n i = n i↑ + n i↓ . The hopping amplitude is t, ij enumerates nearest neighbor sites on the two-dimensional square lattice, U is onsite repulsion, and V is the nearestneighbor repulsion. The non-interacting bandwidth on the two-dimensional square lattice is given by W = 8|t|; we set U = W and vary V at quarter filling (one electron for every two sites). For small V, we expect the ground state will be a homogeneous Fermi liquid. For large V, the electrons will crystallize in a checkerboard pattern to avoid occupying neighboring sites.We solve the Hamiltonian (1) on a 4×4 cluster using a recently developed finite-temperature Lanczos technique [13,14]. We choose periodic boundary conditio...