New surface and layering phase diagrams are proposed based on generalized sine-Gordon models with and without a substrate potential. In particular, we find that the preroughening transition can be driven first order, explaining "zipper" features in heat capacity data for argon and krypton on graphite substrates. For different parameters, we predict the existence of a novel variant of den Nijs' disordered flat phase with spontaneously broken particle-hole symmetry and continuously varying surface height with an accompanying intermeshing layering phase diagram. The restricted solid-on-solid model displays zippering for sufficiently large second neighbor coupling. 68.35.Rh, 68.55.Jk, 82.65.Dp Roughening and preroughening phenomena on bulk crystal-vapor interfaces occur when entropic forces that encourage a more disordered surface overcome energetic forces that prefer a flat surface. Roughening occurs via a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition [1] to a phase with logarithmically diverging mean square surface height difference,for large jr 2 r 0 j. Here h͑r͒ is the integer height over a 2D lattice labeled by r, K R ͑T ͒ is the fully renormalized tilt modulus, and a 0 is of order the lattice spacing. Preroughening is more subtle [2,3] and involves a transition to a disordered flat (DOF) phase in which the surface is macroscopically flat ͓G͑r !`͒ is finite], but microscopically rough. The top layer has fractional occupancy u, which at preroughening jumps from u F 0 to u DOF 1 2 . The transition occurs when thermal fluctuations overcome the local (e.g., nearest neighbor) interactions, but stronger, longer ranged (e.g., second neighbor) interactions exist to stabilize an overall flat interface [2]. At higher T the interface finally roughens completely.Recent experiments involving the growth of thin films on a substrate [4,5] have been interpreted as strong evidence for preroughening behavior [6]. The key feature is a sequence of reentrant first order layering transitions between integer-plus-one-half coverages lying above the usual low temperature layering transitions between integer coverages (see Fig. 1). These are suggested to be the thin film analog of the DOF phase. However, an unexplained feature is a zigzagging line of transitions forming a "zipper" between the two (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 1 of [6]). The first purpose of this Letter is to show that, under certain conditions, the preroughening transition can become first order, leading to the zipper. The second is to show that under different conditions den Nijs' uDOF phase [3], with continuously varying upper layer coverage, 0 # u͑T͒ # 1 2 , can appear via a new mechanism involving spontaneous breaking of particlehole symmetry. In thin films this leads to an as yet unobserved phenomenon of intermeshing of the two sets of layering lines (see Fig. 3). Roughening and preroughening transitions are dominated by universal long wavelength critical fluctuations. In renormalization group language, the behavior is controlled by a fixed point (actually, a fixed line in this case)...