TM (r = 0.56, 0.63, and 0.58, respectively). Mean differences between TM and each temperature (TG, 7"re, T9_, 0.73, 0.42, 0.37, 0.35, and 0.35.
Key wordsEQUIPMENT: thermometers; thermocouples; TEMPERATURE: core temperature, measurement, tympanic membrane temperature. Tm (respectivement r = 56, r = 0,63 et r = 0,58). La diffgrence moyenne respective entre TM et chaque tempgrature (TG, TTt',3, 0,73, 0,3~ Dans le m~me ordre, l'~cart type ~tait de 0,33, 0,37, 0,35 et 0,35 Core temperature perturbations are common in the perioperative period ~ and may indicate underlying problems such as malignant hyperthermia 2 and inadvertent hypothermia. 3 Furthermore, thermal disturbances are associated with numerous complications 4-9 and should be appropriately treated, t~ Consequently, core temperature monitoring is a critical aspect of anaesthesia practice. There are various sites for core temperature measurement such as rectal, bladder, oesophageal, and tympanic membrane. ~2 The tympanic membrane shares the same CAN J ANAESTH 1996 / 43:12 /pp 1224-8