In single-particle
imaging experiments, beams of individual nanoparticles
are exposed to intense pulses of X-rays from free-electron lasers
to record diffraction patterns of single, isolated molecules. The
reconstruction for structure determination relies on signals from
many identical particles. Therefore, well-defined-sample delivery
conditions are desired in order to achieve sample uniformity, including
avoidance of charge polydispersity. We have observed charging of 220
nm polystyrene particles in an aerosol beam created by a gas-dynamic
virtual nozzle focusing technique, without intentional charging of
the nanoparticles. Here, we present a deflection method for detecting
and characterizing the charge states of a beam of aerosolized nanoparticles.
Our analysis of the observed charge-state distribution using optical
light-sheet localization microscopy and quantitative particle trajectory
simulations is consistent with previous descriptions of skewed charging
probabilities of triboelectrically charged nanoparticles.