ResumoObjetivo: Detectar a população idosa com declínio cognitivo e funcional moradora da região abrangida por uma unidade básica de saúde (UBS) em Belo Horizonte-MG, descrever seu perfil sociodemográfico e avaliar a presença de cuidador familiar.
AbstractObjective: Detect elderly with cognitive and functional decline living in the area covered by a basic health unit (BHU) in Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil, describe their profile and assess the presence of family caregivers. Method: Cross-sectional study from research of Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho em Saúde (PET-Saúde), in the área of Elderly Health Care. From the whole sample, were selected for analysis elderly individuals with Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) less than 18, totaling 91 individuals. We analyzed age, gender, income, education, grip strength, living alone and having family caregiver. Results: 25% of the subjects interviewed had MMSE less than 18. Among these, 80% were women, ages ranged between 60 and 96 years, 12% lived alone, 85%