A physically based wind-erosion climatic factor has been derived:
CE = pf [,~2 _ (~. + .H/pa2)]3/2/(,,)d,~where p is the air density, a is a constant made up of other constants (von Karman, height of wind speed observation, roughness parameter), u is the horizontal wind speed, uT is threshold wind speed, f(u) is a wind speed probability density function, and .~1 is the cohesive resistance caused by water on the soil particles. Cohesive resistance is proportional to the square of water content relative to water content at -1500 J kg-1. Relative water content is approximated from the Budyko dryness ratio and the Thornthwaite PE index with similar results. CE is calculable from wind speed and other generally available meteorological data, and is usable in the wind erosion equation without some of the limitations of a previously used wind erosion climatic factor.