Coordination to transition-metal complexes changes both the thermodynamics and kinetics of oxygen reduction. Some of the intermediates (superoxo, hydroperoxo, and oxo species) are close analogues of organic oxygen-centered radicals and peroxides (ROO(*), ROOH, and RO(*)). Metal-based intermediates are typically less reactive, but more persistent, than organic radicals, which makes the two types of intermediates similarly effective in their reactions with various substrates. The self-exchange rate constant for hydrogen-atom transfer for the couples Cr(aq)OO(2+)/Cr(aq)OOH(2+) and L(1)(H(2)O)RhOO(2+)/L(1)(H(2)O)RhOOH(2+) was estimated to be 10(1+/-1) M(-1) s(-1). The use of this value in the simplified Marcus equation for the Cr(aq)O(2+)/Cr(aq)OOH(2+) cross reaction provided an upper limit k(CrO,CrOH)