Introduction:Senior people with cognitive impairment may experience an inability to manage everyday life due to difficulties related to time management, and planning and structuring everyday life. These difficulties can affect people negatively, for example not remembering to carry out future planned activities. Interventions that compensate for lost cognitive ability often include using assistive technology for cognition (ATC).By investigating the feasibility and potential effects of an intervention with the interactive digital calendar with active reminders, RemindMe, knowledge can be generated about aspects of learning to use and using digital support. Further, knowledge can also be generated about occupations in everyday life that people need to receive reminders for, both during the rehabilitation period and two years after the rehabilitation period. This knowledge can support building evidence-based interventions in rehabilitation for people with cognitive impairment using digital technology. This Ph.D. project has allowed me to develop and deepen my knowledge within the field of cognition, assistive technology for cognition, and digital support. Especially concerning conditions for senior people with cognitive impairment, and the importance of support in everyday life. But also the importance of having robust habits and routines in everyday life. During the journey in this project, questions have been answered and new questions have been raised. Understanding of phenomenon and concepts has evolved, changed, but also become clearer over time. The result of the journey is put together in this thesis.