Sedimentation processes are generally modelled using an equivalent continuum approach based on the coupling of the Navier-Stokes and the advection-dispersion equations; the sediment concentration within an elementary fluid volume is the variable of interest. Continuous advances in computational capabilities have brought up a new type of modelling that simulates the individual motion and contact interactions of grains: the Discrete Element Method (DEM). In this work, DEM interacts with the simulation of flow using the well known one-way-coupling method, a computationally affordable approach for the time-consuming numerical simulation of the ASTM-D422, buoyancy and pipette sedimentation tests. These tests are used in the laboratory to determine the particle-size distribution of fine-grained aggregates. Five samples with different particle-size distributions are modelled by about six million rigid spheres projected on two-dimensions, with diameters ranging from 2.5 × 10 −6 m to 70 × 10 −6 m, forming a water suspension in a sedimentation cylinder. DEM simulates the particle's movement considering laminar flow interactions of hydrostatic thrust, drag and lubrication forces. The simulation provides the temporal/spatial distributions of densities and concentrations of the suspension.The numerical simulation cannot replace the laboratory tests since it needs the final granulometry as initial data; but, as the results show, these simulations can identify the strong and weak points of each method and eventually recommend useful variations and draw conclusions on their validity, aspects very difficult to achieve in the laboratory.