Abstract. Polarized Fe K-edge EXAFS spectra of biotite and chlorite monocrystals have been recorded using the Synchrotron radiation at LURE, Orsay. The anisotropic contribution of the nearest cation shell is clearly brought to evidence. In the limit case in which the electric field vector would be disposed normal to the layer plane, the contribution of cations belonging to octahedral sheets would not be sampled. At this orientation, the Fe-(Si, A1) contribution is selected and it is then possible by extrapolation of spectra taken at lower angles to extract phase and amplitude functions associated with this atomic pair. Two applications of this experiment are presented. (i) In chlorite, the amplitude of the Fe-(Si, A1) contribution is directly proportional to the distribution of Fe atoms between the TOT layer and the interlayer. It is found that about 25 percent of the iron is located in the interlayer. (ii) In the biotite structure, the contribution of the (Si, A1) shell is almost constant for a wide range of Fe-containing phyllosilicates and can be subtracted from their EXAFS spectrum. Such an operation will permit a more accurate analysis of the reality of solid solutions.