Using the geometry of the projective plane over the finite field F q , we construct a Hermitian Lorentzian lattice L q of dimension (q 2 + q + 2) defined over a certain number ring O that depends on q. We show that infinitely many of these lattices are p-modular, that is, pL ′ q = L q , where p is some prime in O such that |p| 2 = q. The reflection group of the Lorentzian lattice obtained for q = 3 seems to be closely related to the monster simple group via the presentation of the bimonster as a quotient of the Coxeter group on the incidence graph of P 2 (F 3 ).The Lorentzian lattices L q sometimes lead to construction of interesting positive definite lattices. In particular, if q ≡ 3 mod 4 is a rational prime such that (q 2 + q + 1) is norm of some element in Q[ √ −q], then we find a 2q(q + 1) dimensional even unimodular positive definite integer lattice M q such that Aut(M q ) ⊇ PGL(3, F q ). We find that M 3 is the Leech lattice.